Provisional World Parliament
Honorary Sponsors Of The Provisional World Parliament
Disclaimer*: While endorsing the aims and objectives of the Provisional World Parliament, Honorary Sponsors do not necessarily agree with all of the specific details of the acts, resolutions and memorials that the Parliament may adopt. Each Honorary Sponsor has earned a position of eminence within their respective fields of education, civil society and/or government. This list of 145 Honorary Sponsors has been in accumulative compilation for approximately twenty-five years. Many Sponsors may no longer hold the same positions with their respective government, civil society and/or university. Some listed Sponsors may have earned additional credentials that are not noted here. Some listed Honorary Sponsors are deceased.
Egil Aarvik, Norway; Chairman. Norwegian Nobel Cttee.; M.P. since 1961; Pres. Lagting (upper house par.); Min. Social Affairs 1965-70.
Dr. Norman Z. Alcock, Canada; Nuclear Physicist; x-Pres. Canad. Peace Research Inst.
Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, India; Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir; was Pres. All-India States Peoples Conf.; Delegate to U.N.
Alexey A. Abrikosov, U.S.S.R.; Physicist; Lenin Prize 1966; Corrs. Mem. USSR Academy Scs.; Prof. Landau Inst.. Theoretical Physics.
Nicholas Y.B. Adade, Ghana; Lawyer; was Minister Justice, Dir. Ghana News Agency; Dir. Ghana Commercial Bank.
Dr. Adebayo Adedeji, Nigeria; U.N. Under-Sec. Gen. and Exec. Sec. Economic Comm. for Africa; Pres. African Assn. Public Adminis.
Chief J.O. Agboye, Nigeria; Pres. Nigerian Inst. Administrative Mgmt., Nigerian Society Commerce, and Inst. Internal Auditors.
Aziz Ahmed, Pakistan; Min. Foreign Affairs 1971-77; Ambas. USA 1959-63; Chrmn Press Trust Pakistan; many other diplomatic posts.
Mohsin Ahmed Alaini, Yemen Arab Republic; twice Prime Minister; three times Foreign Min. Ambas. UK, France, USA, USSR, UN, W. Ger.
Justice Zvi Bar-niv, Israel; Judge and Pres. Nat'l Labor Court; x-Solicitor General.
Dr. Richard Bedggood, New Zealand; Prof. Education; V. Pres. Int'l. Community Educ. Assn.
Prof. Suri Bhagavantam, India; Prof. Physics; Univ. V. Chancellor; Pres. Cttee. on Science and Technology in Developing Countries.
Prof. S. O. Biobaku, Nigeria; Dir. Inst. African Studies, Univ. Ibadan; V. Chancellor Univs. Ife and Lagos; Pres. Historical Society Nigeria.
Dr. A. H. Boerma, Netherlands; Dir.-Gen. Food and Agriculture Org. of U.N. 1968-76; Dir. of F.A.O. programs since 1948.
Prof. Goran Von Bonsdorff, Finland; Prof. Political Sc. Univ. Helsinki; Author, "World Politics in Age of Technology."
Fr. Phil Bosmans, Belgium; Priest; Radio Call-in Couns.; Author, "Give Happiness A Chance."
Dennis Brutus, South Africa; Poet; Dir. World Campaign for Release S. African Pol. Prisoners; V. Pres. Union of Writers of African People.
Hon. Gordon M. Bryant, Australia; M.P. 1955-1980; Cabinet Min. 1972-75; U.N. Delegate.
Chief Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, Kwazulu, S. Africa; Chief Minister; Leader S. Africa Black Alliance; Leader 5,000,000 Zulus.
Prof. Adriano Buzzati-Traverso, Italy; Dir. Inst. Genetics, Univ. Pavia 1946-62; Sr. Sc. Advisor UN Environment Prgm; WHO Advisor.
Prof. Henri Cartan, France; Prof. Math, Univ. Paris 1940-75; Pres. European Assn. Teachers (Fr.) 1957-75; Pres. Mvmt. Federaliste European.
Vedat Celik, Cyprus; was Deputy Prime Min. and Min. Foreign Affairs, Turkish Fed. State Cyprus; TFSC Rep. to UN; Mem. Legislature.
Khub Chand, India; Ambas. and High Commr. to Many Countries of Europe, Africa and Mid-East; Consultant for International Development.
Hon. Yeshwant Vishnu Chandrachud, India; Chief Justice of Supreme Court.; President of India Law Inst., and International Law Assn.
Dr. Josef Charvat, Czechslovakia; Prof. Medicine; on Scien. Council Ministry of Health.
Augustine Namakube Chimuka, Zambia Asst. Secretary Gen., Organization of African Unity; many posts with Ministry Foreign Affairs.
Ramsey Clark, U.S.A.; Lawyer; U.S. Attorney Gen. 1967-69; Prof. Law. Brooklyn Law School.
Everett R. Clinchy, U.S.A.; Pres. Nat'l Conf. Christians and Jews 1928-58; x-Pres. Council on World Tensions; x-Pres. Inst. Man and Science.
Prof. Conrnelis De Jager, Netherlands; Astronomer; Gen. Sec. Int'l. Astronomical Union 1967-73; was Pres. Int'l Council Scient. Unions.
Hitendra Desai, India; M.P.; Min. Works and Housing 1976-77; Min. Commerce 1979-80; Pres. Gujaret Pradesh Congr. Cttee. since 1975.
Mrs. Marion Dewar, Canada; Mayor Ottawa.
Gurdial Singh Dhillon, India; Speaker Lok Sabha 1969-75; Min. Transport 1975-77; x-Pres. Inter. Parl. Union. and Commonwealth Parl. Assn.
Ahmed Dini, Djibouti; was Pres. Territorial Assembly and National Assembly; x-Cabinet Min.
Nikolai Petrovich Dubinin, former U.S.S.R.; Dir. Inst. Gen. Genetics, USSR Academy Sciences; Lenin Prize 1966; Chrmn, "Man and Environment" div. of State Cttee. for USSR Coun. of Ministers.
Arthur C. Eggleton, Canada; Mayor Toronto.
Dr. Muhammad El Fasi, Morocco; Chrmn. Exec. Bd. UNESCO 1964-66; Rector two Univs.; Pres. Assn. African Univs., Assn. Islamic Univs.
Ibrahim Elias, Sudan; Banker; with Ministry Commerce 1949-56; Under-Sec. Ministry Economy 1965-69; Ministry Treasury 1979-81.
Dr. Taslim Olawale Elias, Nigeria; Pres. of World Court; Chief Justice Supreme Ct. Nigeria 1972-75; x-Min. Justc.; Pres. Wrld. Assn. Judges.
M. Necati Munir Ertekun, Cyprus; Lawyer; Judge of Supreme Constitutional Court.
Ioan Evans, U.K.; M.P.; Chrmn. Foreign Affairs Group Parliamentary Labor Party; Int'l. V. Pres. Parliamentarians for World Order.
Dr. Douglas Everingham, Australia; M.P.; Minister Health 1972-75; Parliamentary U.N. Delegate 1982; x-V. Pres. Wrld. Health Org. Asn.
Abdulrahim Abby Farah, Somalia; Under Sec. Gen. of U.N. for Special Political Questions.
A. F. M. Abul Fateh, Bangladesh; Ambas. to many countries Asia, Africa, Mid-East, Europe; Chrmn. Commonwealth Human Ecology Coun.
Anatole Fistoulari, U.K.; was Prin. Conduct. London Philharmonic Orch.; Guest Conductor Orchestras in many countries.
Homer Ferguson, U.S.A.; Lawyer; U.S. Senator 1943-55; Judge since 1956.
Antonio Fonseca-Pimental, Brazil; Dir. Brazilian Civil Service 1961-63; Mem. Int'l Civil Service Comm. of UN since 1975; Author, "Democratic World Government and the U.N."
A. G. Sembu Forna, Sierra Leone; M.P.; Cab. Min. 10 yrs. inc.: Transport and Communications; Agric. and Natural Resources; Health; Culture.
Dr. Risieri Frondizi, Argentina; Prof. Philosophy; Rector Univ. Buenos Aires 1955-66; Pres. Inter-American Union of Latin Am. Univs.
Dr. Ragnar A. Granit, Sweden; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1967; was President Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Amnar Nath Grover, India; Judge High Ct. Punjab 1957-68; Judge Supreme Ct. India 1968-73; Chrmn. Press Council of India since 1979.
Dr. Max Habicht, Switzerland; International Lawyer and Prof. Int'l. Law; Legal Advisor to League of Nations, U.N., many world gov't. orgs. One of the five primary authors of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.
Dr. Louis M. Hacker, U.S.A.; Prof. Economics and Dean School Gen. Studies, Columbia Univ.; Editor sev. Encyclopedias, Author many books.
George Hakim, Lebanon; Min. Foreign Affairs; 1965-67; Ambassador to U.N. and Chrmn. U.N. Grp. Experts on Econ. Dev. Undevel. Countries.
Dr. Jawad Hashim, Iraq; Min. Planning 1968-74; now Mng. Dr. Arab Monetary Fund at Abu Dhabi; Chrmn. U.N. Econ. Cttee. Western Asia.
Dr. Gerhard Herzberg, Canada; Nobel Prize Chemistry 1971; Distinguished Research Scientist with National Research Council of Canada.
Dr. Akanu Ibiam, Nigeria; Gov. Eastern Nigeria 1960-66; x-Chrmn. All-African Church Council; Chrmn. Council of Univ. College at Ibadan.
Dr. George Ignatieff, Canada; Chancellor Univ. Toronto; Ambas. U.N. 1946-49; and 1966-68; Rep. on 18 Nation Disarm. Cttee., Geneva.
George X. Ionnides, Cyprus; Lawyer and M.P.; Minister of Justice 1970-72 and 1976-78; Min. Interior 1972-74; Min. to Presidency 1978-80.
Dr. Iorgu Iordan, Romania; x-Faculty Dean and Rector, Bucharest Univ.; Pres. UNESCO Cttee.; Mem. Romanian Acad.; Mem. many Int'l. Assns.
Ahmed E. H. Jaffer, Pakistan; Civic Leader and Businessman; x-M.P.; Pres. Muslim Cmnwlth. Mvmt., Pres. Pakistan Br. English Speak. Union.
Hon. Bal Ram Jakhar, India; Speaker of the Lok Sabha many terms; President, Commonwealth Parliamentary Assn.
Dr. Henri Janne, Belgium; Sociologist; was Minister Education and Culture; Hon. Rector Univ. Brussels; x-Pres. Royal Acad. Sciences and Letters.
Mohamed Khir Johari, Malaysia; M.P.; was Min. Education, of Agric. and Cooperatives, of Trade and Indust.; Sec.-Gen. United Malays Nat'l. Org.; Pres. Asian Rural Reconstruction Confs.
Jamsahib Nawab Alhaj Amir Ali Khan, Pakistan; Member Federal Advisory Council.
Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Pakistan; Pres. U.N. General Assembly 1962-63; Pres. of World Court 1970-73; x-Min. Foreign Affairs.
Prince Yaqub Mohammed Khan, Hong-kong; Head of Asia Times, and Travel Executive.
Prof. James Kirkup, U.K.; Poet; Prof. English Lit. Kyoto Univ., Japan; Prof. several univs. U.K., USA; Author "The Cosmic Shape," many other books.
Suchart Kosolkitiwong, Thailand; Pres. International Federation of Religions; Organizing World Eternal Peace Conferences. Now Bhikkhu Ariyawanso, a Thai Buddhist leader.
Ciro Dominico Kroon, Curacao, N.A.; Banker; Min. Social and Econ. Affairs and Public Health; Prime Minister, Neth. Antilles 1968-69.
Maria Kuncewiczowa, Poland; Writer and Professor; Founder, Center for Writers in Exile.
Mme. Irene De Lipkowski, France; was M.P. and Mayor Orly; Pres. Int'l. Alliance of Women.
Dr. Fritz Lipmann, U.S.A.; Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology 1953; Prof. Biology.
Mochtar Lubis, Indonesia; Publisher and Editor Daily Indonesian Raya, and The Times of Indonesia; Golden Pen of Freedom Award 1967.
Dr. Hans Olaf Lundstrom, Sweden; Exec. Dir. World Bank 1978-82; x-Cab. Min. Finance, Econ. Affairs; x-Deputy Gov. Bank of Sweden.
Hassan M. Makki, Yemen Arab Repub.; Deputy Prime Min. for Economic Affairs; was Prime Minister, Foreign Min., Ambassador to U.N.
Prof. Ivan Malek, Czechslovakia; Microbiologist; V. Pres Czech Academy Sciences; V. Pres. Int'l Union Biological Scs.; Lenin Prize 1967.
Dr. Ignacy Malecki, Poland; Dir. Inst. Basic Tech. Problems, Polish Acad. Scs.; V. Pres. Int'l. Council Scientific Unions; Pres. Pugwash Cttee.
Paul Malekou, Gabon; was Minister Labour and Social Affairs, of Education, Youth and Sports, of Public Works and Transportation, of House and Urbanism.
Dr. Jose Mallart, Spain; Educator, Psychologist, Author; Member Exec. Cttee. Int. Assn. Applied Psychology.
Dr. Rashmi Mayur, Ph. D., India; Director, Urban Development Inst.; President, Global Futures Network; U.N. Consultant.
Mamoon-Al-Rashid, Bangladesh; Chrmn. and Mng. Trustee Comprehensive Rural, Educational, Social, Cultural and Economic Centre.
Marcel Marceau, France; Master Mime.
Hon. Bakeer Markar, Sri Lanka; M.P.; Speaker of Parliament for many years.
Keba Mbaye, Senegal; World Court Judge; Appeal Judge Supreme Court Senegal; Pres. World Fed. UN Assns.; V. Char. Int. Inst. Human Rights.
Mustafa Medani, Sudan; with Ministry Foreign Affs. since 1958; Ambas. to UN, W. Germany, many other countries; Del. UN Human Rights Conf.
Dr. Zhores A. Medvedev, former U.S.S.R.; Sr. Scientist and Head Various Labs and Insts. USSR; now with Nat'l. Inst. Medical Research, London.
Mrs. Leela Damodara Menon, India; x-M.P.; Mem. U.N. Human Rights Cttee.; V. Pres. All-India Women's Conference.
Dr. Charles Mercieca, U.S.A. (from Malta); Founder and Exec. V. Pres. Int'l. Assn. Educators for World Peace; retired University Professor, Alabama A & M.
Ram Niwas Mirdha, India; M.P.; was Home Min., and Deputy Chrmn. Rajya Sabha; Chrmn. Parliamentary Group for World Government.
S.P. Mittal, M.P.; Sec. Gen. Asian Forum Parliamentarians; Sec. India Parl. Grp. World Gov't; Chrmn. Indian Assn. Parl. on Population and Dev.
Jules Moch, France; M.P. 1946-58 and 1962-67; Minister Public Works in Four Cabinets; Perm. Del. UN Disarmament Cttee. at Geneva 7 years.
Shettima Ali Monguno, Nigeria; Min. Int. Affairs 19655-67. Fed. Commr. Industries 1967-71; Pres. OPEC 1972; UN Del. Nine Sessions.
Haity Mousatche, Brazil; Prof. Physiology and Dept. Head Univ. Brazil, and Univ. Centro Occidental, Venz; V. Pres. Brazil Soc. Advance Sc.
Hon. F. Matale Mulikita, Zambia; Educator, Politician, Businessman; was Minister Foreign Affairs, Labor and Social Services, Health, Power, Transport and Works, Education.
Joseph J. Mungai, Tanzania; Member Parliament; was Minister Agriculture; Led delegations to Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences.
Joseph B. Mwemba, Zambia; Teacher, Farmer, M.P., 1973-78; Min. of State for Labour and Social Services 1974-79; Ambas. U.N., 1966-68.
Jayant V. Narlikar, India; Prof. Astrophysics, Tata Inst. Fundamen. Research; Author, "Structure of the Universe," and other books.
Dr. Joseph Needham, U.K.; Biochemist and Historian of Science; Prof. at Univrs. in many countries; Pres. Int'l. Union History of Science.
Mrs. Savitry Nigam, India; M.P. 1952-67; Sec. Congress Party in Parliament; Pres. Indian Housewives Fed.; Chrmn. Indian Fed. UN Assns. Deceased 1986.
Lord Philip Noel-Baker, U.K.; Nobel Peace Prize 1959; Chrmn. Parliam. Labor Prty. Foreign Affairs Group; Co-Chrmn. World Disarm. Camp.
Odvar Nordli, Norway; Prime Minister 1976-81; now Pres. Parliament; Leader Parliam. Labor Party; Min. Labor and Municipal Affairs 1971-72.
Sam Nujoma, Namibia; Co-founder and Pres. S.W. Africa People Organ. (SWAPO); arrested several times; leading freedom movement from exile.
Fr. Bob Ogle, Canada; Member of Parliament.
Dr. J. O. J. Okezie, Nigeria; Min. Health, Agric. and Nat. Resources, 1970-75; Med. Supt. Ibeku Central Hosp.; Sec. E. Nigeria Science Assn.
Dr. H. M. A. Onitiri, Nigeria, Economist; Sr. Lecturer Univ. Ibadan; Dir. Nigerian Inst. Social and Economic Research since 1974.
Charles D. Onyeama, Nigeria; World Court Judge 1967-76; High Court Judge, Lagos, 1975-64; Supreme Court Justice 1964-66; was M.P.
Osman N. Orek, Cyprus; was Prime Min., Turkish Fed. State Cyprus; Sec. Gen. Cyprus-Turkish Nat'l. Union Party; now Lawyer in Turkey.
Mondher Ouanes, Tunisia; Advocate; Pres. Assn. Lawyers of Tunisia; V. Pres. Union of Arab Legal Professions, headquartered in Baghdad.
Prof. Arvid Pardo, Malta; Ambas. U.N. 1965-71; Proposed oceans and seabeds as common heritage mankind; Prof. Ocean Law, Univ. S. Cal.
Babhubai J. Patel, India; Chief Min. Gujarat 1975-80; Minister in Bombay and Gujarat Gov'ts. since 1952, many posts; Univ. V. Chancellor.
Dr. I. G. Patel, India; Gov. Reserve Bank India since 1977; x-Exec. Dir. for India of Int'l. Monetary Fund; x-Sec. India Ministry Finance.
Dr. Linus Pauling, U.S.A.; Nobel Laureate Chemistry 1954; Nobel Peace Prize 1962; Lenin Prize 1970; now research on Vit. C and Cancer.
Louis Perillier, France; Author, "Verification, Key to Disarmament".
Anwar Iqbal Quereshi, Pakistan; Economic Advisor to Gov't. Pakistan, Int'l Monetary Fund, Saudi Arabia; Pres. Pakistan Econ. Assn.
Dr. Walpola Rahula, Sri Lanka; Educator; Chancellor of University of Kelaniya.
Dr. G. N. Ramachandran, India; CSIR Distinguished Scientist; Prof. Physics and Dean Faculty Sciences, Univ. Madras, 1952-67; V. Pres. Indian Academy Sciences.
Dr. Kamarazu N. Rao, M.D., India; Pres., Int'l. Medical Sciences Acad.; was Pres., World Fed. Public Health Assns. and Sec-Gen., Population Council of India, WHO Consultant.
Dr. V. K. R. V. Rao, India; M. P. 1967-77; Cab. Min. 1967-71; Founder-Dir. Inst. of Economic. Growth, and Inst. Social and Economic Change.
Jules A. Razafimbahiny, Madagascar; Ambas. to many countr. Europe, USA, E.E.C.; Pres. Pan-African Inst. Develop.; With UN Dev. Prgm.
Hon. Mahinder Singh Saathi, India; mayor of Delhi; was labor leader; works for Hindu-Sikh Unity.
Dr. Abdus Salam, Pakistan; Nobel Prize in Physics 1979; Dir. Int. Cntr. Theoretical Physics, Trieste; Sec. Confs. Peacefl. Uses Atom. Energy.
Dr. Frederick Sanger, U.K.; Nobel Prize Chem. 1958; Resrch Biochem. Cambridge Univ.
Dr. Paul E. Santorini, Greece; Scientist, Engineer, Philosopher; Author several books on Emergence of Universe and of Life in Universe.
Prof. Margaret Schlauch, Poland; Prof. and Author; Corress. Mem. Polish Acad. Sciences.
Mrs. Nandini Satpathy, India; M.P. 1962-72; x-Min. Information and Broadcasting; Chief Min. Orissa 1972-76; U.N. Delegate 1970.
Jose Sette-Camara, Brazil; V. Pres. World Ct.; x-Mayor Brasilia; Ambas. to Switz. 1963-64, to U.N. 1964-68; Mem. U.N. Int'l. Law Comm.
Amadou Seydou, Niger; Ambassador at various times to France, U.K., Italy, Spain and Switzerland.
Prof. Finn Seyersted, Norway; Sec. Ministry Foreign Affairs 1945-53; Ambas. Argentina 1968-73; Prof. Int'l. Law, Univ. Oslo since 1973.
Shri K. K. Shah, India; Mem. Rajya Sabha 1960-71; Gov. Tamil Nadu 1971-76; Cab. Min. 5 years; Sec. Indo-African Soc.; Pres. Indo-Arab Soc.
Rishikesh Shaha, Nepal; was Gen. Sec. Nepalese Congress; Amb. UN 1956-60; Min. Finan. and Plan. 1961-62; M.P. 1967-70; Univ. Prof.
Dr. Alexandras Y. Schtromas, Lithuania, now in U.K.; Prof. Political Sc.; was Dir. Legal Research at Vilnus; Author many books, articles.
Dr. Salimuzzaman Siddiqui, Pakistan; Dir. Research Inst. Chem. Univ. Karachi; x-Chrmn. Pakistan Coun. Scientific and Industrial Research.
Sarv Mittra Sikra, India; Chief Justice Supreme Ct. India 1971-73; Pres. Indian Law Inst., Indian Br. Int'l. Law Assn., Indian Soc. Int'l. Law.
Jon Silkin, U.K.; Writer, Editor, Author "The Peaceable Kingdom," "Nature With Man," others.
Dr. Nagendra Singh, India; Judge at World Court since 1973, was V. Pres.; Prof. Int'l. Law several Univs.; Pres. Indian Society Int'l. Law.
Ross Smyth, Canada; x-Pres. World Federalists of Canada; Pub. Affrs. Mgr. (rt'd.) of Air Canada.
Lord Donald Soper, U.K.; Methodist Min.; Alderman, London Co. Council 1958-65.
Dr. Sompong Sucharitkul, Thailand; Amb. Japan, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Benelux; Mem. Permanent Court Arbitration since 1978.
Dr. Bogdam Suchodolski, Poland; Mem. Presidium Polish Acad. Scs.; V. Pres. Int. Acad. History Science; V. Pres. Wrld. Future Stud. Fed.
Dr. Ivan Supek, Yugoslavia; Dir. Inst. History and Philosophy Sc., Yugoslav Acad.; x-Rector Univ. Zagreb; M.P. 19963-67; Pres. Yugoslav Pugwash Grp.
Kurt Swinton, Canada; Educator; x-Pres. Encycl. Brittan.; on Bd. Toronto 2000 Futurists.
Bahjat Talhouni, Jordan; Pres. of Senate; Prime Minister four times; Foreign Min. 1967-68; Chief of the Royal Cabinet four times.
Tun Tan Siew Sin, Malaysia; Min. Commerce and Industry 1957-59; of Finance 1959-74; V. Pres. and Pres. Chinese Malay. Assn. 1957-74; Chancellor Malaysian Nat. Univ.; Rubber Planter.
Ben Toruk, So. Africa; was Sec. So. African Congress Democrats; Pol. Prisoner 3 yrs.; now Faculty 3rd World Studies, Milton Keynes Univ., U.K.
Baron Jakob Von Uexkull, Isle of Man, U.K.; Exec.
*Mention of important world federal persons in this brief history does not imply any respective person's support of this website, affirmation of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, or agreement with decisions of the Provisional World Parliament.
Note: List as on 10 March 2003 and taken from archives of
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