Provisional World Parliament


About World Health & Nutrition Commission

This Commission shall work on the preparation of proposed world legislation and action on World Health and Nutritional issues, to present to the Provisional World Parliament when it convenes.

Provisions of the Constitution

This Commission has been formed under the following provisions of the Constitution for the Federation of the Earth: Art.4.40, Art.5.1.4,Art.5.1.6,Art.5.1.7,Art.6.1.6,Art.9.2 and others

Tenure of the Commission

The commission's work continues until the Earth Federation reaches its full operative stage. This means that the commission remains active until the entire system of global governance is fully established and operational.


Ms. Phyllis Turk

Chair, World Health and Nutrition Commission

Mr. Hanumesh P R Rao

Co-Chair, World Health and Nutrition Commission

Prof P N Murthy

C0-Chair, World Health and Nutrition Commission

Dr.Rajesh Kokare

Member, World Health and Nutrition Commission

Affiliates of World Health & Nutrition Commission


Initiatives of World Health and Nutrition Commission

World Citizens will decide the planetary welfare initiatives under
The Earth Constitution

Global Health Cooperative

World Health and Nutrition Commission is engaged in building promoting a global Health Coopertive to the needs of the world.

Community Education about Health

World Health and Nutrition Commission promotes awareness about "health through Healthy Food". The Campaigns managed by expert Global Citizen Volunteers.

World Health and Nutrition Commission promotes innovation and Research in developing more and more affordable models and brands of Healthy Foods , which helps in building career options in innovation, Research, Startups and Commercialisation of newer Brands.

Global Food Solutions

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