Provisional World Parliament
1795 - Emmanuel Kant publishes "Perpetual Peace" as a chapter of the first widely recognized modern treatise on conditions for world peace under the rule of a world government. Kant described an international legal system as a federation of the world's states, superseding the Westphalian system. Perpetual Peace had been a topic and title of international discourse by contemporary and earlier writers, as well, such as Rousseau.
1800's - People begin to more widely discuss prospects for a world parliament and world federation. For further historical notes on early history of Earth Federation and world government ideas, go to Wikipedia.
1835 - Alfred Lord Tennyson writes famous "Locksley Hall" in which a dying soldier tells his buddies of a vision of a world parliament and world federation, among other prophecies, such as airplanes, chemical warfare, and by easy interpretation, even nuclear DU munitions. Tennyson's poetry was greatly popular and brought the concept of world parliament and world federation to a large number of people.
1863 to 1892 - Baha'u'llah wrote of the necessity for world federation.
1889 - International Parliamentary Union formed.
1919 - President Woodrow Wilson submits to the world the Covenant of the League of Nations, which is rejected by United States Senate as not representative, not defining a republican form of government.
1924 - Onisaburo Deguchi of Oomoto, O Sensei Morehei Ueshiba and others in the Far East begin an attempt to promote World Federation from Mongolia and Japan.
1937 - Rosika Schwimmer and Lola Maverick Lloyd formed the Campaign for World Government. They strongly promote the concepts of non-military world federation and build the foundation for stronger world federation strategies that came after the Second World War.
1945 - The United Nations is formed. The universal veto power of the Covenant of the League of Nations is reduced from each member country to a five-nation member veto power.
1947 - The Montreux Conference is held in Montreux, Switzerland, with delegates from civil society around the world as well as from some governments, to discuss world federation beyond a mere international treaty system. The Conference is chaired by legal luminary Dr. Max Habicht who later takes an important role in drafting the Earth Constitution.
1948 - The World Federalist Movement is formed. See World Federalist Timeline and about World Federalism.
1948 - The Chicago Committee to form a World Constitution published a world constitution. This is the first renowned deliberative group to draft world constitution for world federation. The constitution is yet military in structure and does not grab enough of popular imagination to take hold.
1948 - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is adopted. Eleanor Roosevelt, Chair of the Commission expresses strong disappointment and yet hope for improvements, clarifications and stronger guarantees for human rights in future deliberations and declarations.
1950 - The first People's World Constitutional Convention was held in December 1950 in Geneva.
1953 - Garry Davis, together with legal experts, create the legal basis for world government with the Ellsworth Declaration. Principle of world government establishes in a positive legal sense on 4th September 1953, and world government has been in active development since. However, as of 1953, there was still not yet a world constitution, a world parliament, or a world state. See World Service Authority.
1958 - Agreement to Call a new World Constitutional Convention initiated by four persons (Mary Georgia Lloyd, Philip Isely, Margaret Isely, and Thane Read) circulated worldwide for signatures, requesting both national governments and people of each country to send delegates.
1959-1960 - World Committee for a World Constitutional Convention formed. Thousands sign the Agreement, including many prominent leaders. Organizers of this action travel around the world to enlist support.
1961-1962 - Definitive Call to the World Constitutional Convention adopted. Many persons sign, including Heads of five national governments.
1963-1964 - First Preparatory Congress held Denver, Colorado, USA, with delegates from 5 continents. Call to the World Constitutional Convention is publicly issued, then circulated for more signers and response.
1965-1966 - Second Preparatory Congress held at Milan, Italy. Outline for Debate and Drafting of a World Constitution is formulated, on basis on alternative choices. Plan agreed for a Peoples World Parliament to meet concurrently.
1967 - Decision made at Third Preparatory Congress to begin Convention in 1968, even if no government delegates. 300 Peoples Delegates pledged.
1968 - First working sessions of World Constitutional Convention and Peoples' World Convention held at Interlaken, Switzerland, and Wolfach, West Germany. 200 Peoples Delegates from 27 countries of 5 continents. Work begun on drafting the World Constitution, with drafting commission of 25 persons. An Emergency World Authority Committee forms, representing one (unitary) of two major lines of world government philosophy: unitary or federal.
1969 - First transnational elections are organized by the Registry of World Citizens, for the formation of the People's Congress. Elections have been held every two or three years since this date, except for a hiatus of 9 years between 1998 elections and 2007.
1969-1971 - Strategy for Reclaiming Earth for Humanity is circulated. Emergency Council of World Trustees meets, Santa Barbara, Calif., and issues First Decree for Protection of Life, outlawing nuclear weapons. Directions given to drafting commission.
1972 - World Constitution drafting commission session of four persons (a businessman and 3 international lawyers) from the drafting commission work for 2 months, almost completes first draft of Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Philip Isely, Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe, D. M. Spencer, Esq., Syed Md. Hussein, Esq. Renowned international lawyer Dr. Max Habicht, Esq., of Switzerland consulted with regular telephone communication during the drafting process.
1974 - World Judicial Commission Convention of World Government, convened 12 June 1974, at Mulhouse, France, adopted World Statute for World Court of Human Rights. Statute, only briefly amended, was confirmed as 15th World Legislative Act by provisional World Parliament convened at Bangkok, March 2003.
1973-1975 - First draft finished, printed in 1974, then circulated worldwide for comment, together with Call to the second session in 1977, now defined as the World Constituent Assembly. Comments on first draft complied.
1976 - Drafting Commission meets again. Second draft completed, circulated.
1977 - Second Session of World Constituent Assembly held in June, Innsbruck, Austria. The Constitution for the Federation of Earth was debated paragraph by paragraph, amended, then adopted with 138 original signers from 25 countries of 6 continents. Call for ratification by the nations and peoples of Earth is issued. The Earth Constitution is sent to U.N. General Assembly and to all national governments.
1978-1979 - Parliamentarians for Global Action is formed.
1978-1979 - Institute On World Problems as Graduate School of World Problems begins formation under direction of Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
1978-1980 - Earth Constitution is circulated worldwide for debate and ratification. Third session of World Constituent Assembly held Jan. 1979, Colombo, Sri Lanka; adopts Rationale for a World Constituent Assembly, defining right of people to convene Assembly, draft constitution, and obtain ratification. Appeal issued for national parliaments to ratify.
1981 - Emergency World Authority Committee dissolves, largely reducing the impetus for implementing popular world government through unitary measures that do not include federal processes.
1981 - World Constitution & Parliament Association meets at New Delhi, India. Call issued for Provisional World Parliament to convene in 1982 under terms of Article 19 of Earth Constitution. Honorary Sponsor list of 150 prominent persons enrolled to begin.
1982 - First Session of Provisional World Parliament convenes for two weeks, starting on World Government Day, 4th September, at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, England. Delegates from 25 countries of 6 continents. Five World Legislative Acts are adopted: 1) World Disarmament Agency, 2) World Economic Development, 3) Ownership of Oceans & Seabeds, 4) Graduate School of World Problems, and 5) District World Courts.
1983-1984 - First Provisional District World Court organized in Los Angeles; takes up case of outlawing nuclear weapons. 25 nuclear national governments were supoenaed. All but India were found in violation of world law, and ordered by the Court to cease nuclear military plans and activities. Plans for Provisional World Parliament in Sudan and Nigeria thwarted by military coups.
1984-1985 Institute On World Problems begins as Graduate School of World Problems in Lakewood, Colorado, United States. First seminar in US held.
1985 - Second Session of Provisional World Parliament held New Delhi, India. Opened by President of India, presided by speaker of Lok Sabha. Three more World Legislative Acts adopted: for Emergency Earth Rescue Administration, World Government Funding Corporation, and Commission on Terrorism.
1986 - Campaign continued for ratification of the Constitution for Federation of Earth, pending review at next World Constituent Assembly.
1987 - Third session of Provisional World Parliament held Miami Beach, Florida. Three more World Legislative Acts are adopted: for Global Finance System, Environment Protection, and Hydrogen Energy. Provisional World Cabinet started.
1988-1989 - Plan launched for collaboration by many organizations to prepare next session of World Constituent Assembly. 150 organizations join in Preparatory Committee. Two meetings held in New York with U. N. Ambassadors, to explain and solicit help. List of Honorary Sponsors reconfirmed and expanded.
1990 - Government of Egypt agrees to host Assembly. Three preparatory meetings held. Call circulated for Governments and People to send delegates.
1991 - Location of 4th session World Constituent Assembly abruptly changed due to Gulf War. Held at Troia, Portugal, in May. Delegates adopt 59 amendments to Earth Constitution. New ratification campaign begun, appealing to both people and governments. Most Honorary Sponsors personally ratify.
1992 - Global Ratification & Elections Network organized, including several hundred organizations, to promote ratification of Constitution for Federation of Earth, then election of delegates to World Parliament. First Government heads ratify (Assembly President Dubcek of Czechoslovakia and President Sam Njoma of Namibia.)
1996 - Call to the Fourth Session of the Provisional World Parliament at Innsbruck, Austria, from June 26th to July 5th. Venue is changed to Andorra, and then to Barcelona.
1996 - International Court of Justice returns comprehensive and complex verdict regarding legality of nuclear weapons. Generally speaking, the Court orders that the world and nations dismantle all nuclear weapons within as short a time frame as feasible.
1998 - Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court completed at Rome by hand of international plenipotentiaries. Rome Statute creates an Assembly of States Parties with a fair competence to draft comprehensive world legislative codes. Statute, somewhat amended, was confirmed as 20th World Legislative Act by provisional World Parliament convened at Chennai, December 2003.
1998 -Government of Iraq agrees to host the provisional World Parliament. Call to Fifth Session of Provisional World Parliament at Baghdad, Iraq was announced, but is then rescheduled for Tripoli, Libya, amid US bombing forays and security concerns.
2000 - Call to the Fifth Session of the Provisional World Parliament reissued for the Island of Malta, where the Parliament convened November 22nd to 27th.
2001 - 1st & 2nd International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, with a focus and declaration on the urgency and necessity of a world parliament for setting the basis for and for integrating a full-fledged World Judicial System.
2002 - International Criminal Court enters into force.
2002 - IOWP Seminars in Takoradi, Ghana, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, and Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
2002 - 3rd International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2003 - (March) Sixth session of provisional World Parliament convened in Bangkok, Thailand. Pioneering session of provisional World Parliament marks transition from international convention law format to distinctive world parliamentary legislation format. Six world legislative acts were adopted, together with important resolutions and sweeping legislative amendments to prior world legislation.
2003 - 4th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2003 - (December) Seventh session of provisional World Parliament convened in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Provisional World Parliament provisionally and conditionally creates the world jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, adopting the Peoples version of the Statute for the World Bench for Criminal Cases. The Parliament adopts a Memorial to the Assembly of States Parties to study and adopt judicial world legislation and amendments of provisional World Parliament to strengthen the World Court System.
2004 - IOWP Seminar in Togo, West Africa
2004 - Eighth session of provisional World Parliament convened in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2004 - 5th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2005 - Institute On World Problems Seminar held in Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico.
2005 - August. Japan Parliament decrees official policy of working toward World Federation.
2005 - Institute On World Problems Seminar held in Erode, Tamil Nadu, India.
2005 - 6th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2006 - People of World Social Forum issue the Bamako Declaration, including statement of support for a World Parliament.
2006 - Ninth session of provisional World Parliament convened in Tripoli, Libya.
2006 - 7th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2007 - Institute On World Problems held seminar in Kalamata, Greece.
2007 - June 1st, Institute On World Problems founder and President, Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe, EdD, MA, PhD, and international Barrister-at-Law, passed away at age of 90 after a brief illness.
2007 - June 2007, Tenth Session of provisional World Parliament convenes in Kara, Togo, West Africa.
2007 - 8th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2008 - May 19th to 25th - World Prout Assembly to meet at Radford University, Virginia, United States.
2008 - December 12th to 15th - 9th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World to meet in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2009 - In 2008, the 11th session of the provisional World Parliament was called to convene in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, from 6th through 10th January 2009, with legislative action theme focusing on the global environment. Parliament venue changed to Nainital, Utarakhand, for 2nd through 8th July 2009. Provisional World Parliament met in 11th Session and adopted 5 new legislative Acts and also important legislative amendments to Acts 17 (Legislative Drafting Guidelines) and 34 (nuclear weapons Dismantling Procedure.)
2009 - In July, the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court opens for a General Review Conference by the Assembly of States Parties. This was an opportunity for the Assembly interact, reconcile and integrate with the Provisional World Parliament version of the Statute, which creates a much stronger World Court System without compromises. The Provisional World Parliament widely distributes proposals for the Assembly of States Parties to move forward with world federal actions.
2009 - The 10th World Judiciary Summit was held at the World Unity Convention Center of City Montessori School Kanpur Road Girls College in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, where, among other actions, judges resolved for an elected world parliament together with an independent world judiciary.
2010, May & June- The General Review Conference for the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is scheduled to convened from 31 May to 11 June 2010 in Kampala, Uganda, in the Lake District of Africa.
2010 - People's Congress met in Zagora, Morocco, 03rd to 10th November 2010.
2010 - 9th Session of the Assembly of States Parties met in New York City, 6th through 10th December 2010. Latest Bulletin of the CICC with details on the 9th Session.
2010 - 10th through 13th December - The 11th World Judiciary Summit convened at the World Unity Convention Center of City Montessori School Kanpur Road Girls College in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Lucknow Declaration 2010 of the conference. Judges continue resolve for world parliament and world law.
2010 - 27th through 31st December - 12th Session of Provisional World Parliament convened in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Article 123 of the World Legislative Act #20, the World Bench for Criminal Cases, required the Provisional World Parliament to make a general review of the criminal case bench statute, considering improvements from 2003 version. The Parliament considered the deliberations made in Kampala at the General Review Conference for the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Numerous other world legislative proposals were adopted, including the resolution of World Federal Distinction, which clarifies how states may join into world federation, and which assigns proper weighting to the constituent member states of the world's continental federations.
2011- December-January. The Twelfth Session of the Provisional World Parliament takes place in Kolkata, India. The Parliament meets within the context of the giant World Peace Thinkers and Poets Meet Conference sponsored by the World Constitution (WCPA), the International Society for Intercultural Study and Research (ISISAR), and other organizations.
2013. December 19-21, Lucknow, India. The Thirteenth Session of the Provisional World Parliament took place simultaneously with the International Conference of Chief Justices of the World at the World Unity Convention Center of the City Montessori School of Lucknow. A number of key world legislative acts were passed, including a Transition Act to facilitate countries joining the Earth Federation and a Truth and Reconciliation Act.
2014. Work continues on the development of the 14th session of the Parliament in Kolkata, India, December 2015. Work also continues on the promotion of the Earth Constitution as a subject of study and a item in the educational curriculum of institutions everywhere. Work continues on the development of the Collegium of World Judges and the constitution of a bench of the World Supreme Court.
2021 15th PWP was held in Hybrid mode due to covid pandemic restrictions. Held from our office premises and faciliated by Maj Sushil Goel (VP WCPA). Hundreds of participants joined virtually from various parts of the world.
2025 16th PWP Proposed to be held between 8-10 th Dec 2025...Details to follow.
Brief History of the Provisional Earth Federation
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